
Well here we are living in deepest East Kent. It's better than it sounds!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Deal Tri Duathlon Champs

Chris and I both raced at Fowlmead Country Park yesterday. It was a 2 lap run (4 miles approx), 8 lap bike (16miles) and 1 lap run (2 miles) format. Gorgeous morning for it, not as windy as usual but a bit of headwind during the bike laps. Chris came 5th overall, I came last although I was also runner up female in the strong field of 2! Meant I won a box of chocs though.

(I couldn't have possibly expected to have beaten the other female, Jill, she's off to the Half Ironman World Champs in Florida in a couple of weeks. I console myself that it would have only taken a puncture or bodily collapse for Jill, and I could have been club champ! hey, I can't expect to ever win by talent alone....)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

India is 7!

It seems to have been a whole week of celebrations! On Thursday, Indie turned 7, and as she wished, she started Brownies on her birthday (she's been wanting to go to Debbie's brownie pack since she learnt to talk!). On Saturday, I took Indie and 5 of her friends from school out for the day. We went to see Nim's Island at the cinema in Ashford, then had a fish and chip picnic on the beach in Hythe, followed by ice creams on the seafront. The girls all had a super time and I was only marginally worn out when I dropped them all home after almost 7 hours!